Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vegetarianism.Try it!


Vegetarianism is the practice of following a diet based on plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs. Vegetarianism is considered a healthy, viable diet. Variants of the diet exclude eggs and/or products produced from animal labour such as dairy products and honey. A vegan diet is a form of vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products, including dairy products, eggs, and honey. Most vegetarians consume dairy products, and many eat eggs. A lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but excludes eggs, an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy, and a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products.

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1 comment:

  1. i have a question for you , my friend ^^
    You know how vegitarians dont like to eat animals? Because they wont want to kill them? What would happen if say there was a vegitarian and baby lamb. and they were stuck on an island. And there was only one pineapple on the pineapple tree. And the vegitarian and the lamb were both starving. Would the vegitarian eat the pineapple and let the lamb starve to death or risk his own life for the lamb? HUH !!?
